ford ecosport Ford Ecosport Ford EcoSport is produced since 2003 by Ford Motor Company. The car was designed exclusively in Brazil based on the first generation of Ford...
ford f250 Ford F250 The Ford Company has produced and sold full-size pickups of F series for 60 years already. In 1953, the first generation of the Ford F250 mo...
ford fiesta Ford Fiesta In the early 1970s, the demand for small cars was high enough. Energy crisis in 1973 affected an increase in demand and Ford needed super mi...
ford sierra Ford Sierra For the first time Ford Sierra was presented in 1982, a new model of family class — D, became replacement model for Ford Taunus. 1.2 billio...
ford falcon Ford Falcon The initial production period of the legendary Ford Falcon produced by Ford Motor Company was between 1960s and 1970s. On start of sales th...